
The Duke of Buccleuch
Hon. President
Mrs E Nolan  (Veyatie)
Hon. Vice President
Mr J Nolan  (Veyatie)
Mr R Pollock  (Pollham)
Mrs A M Pollock  (Pollham)
 Mrs M Brown   ( Ramsayville )
Hon. Life Member
Sir W Connolly
Ms C Campbell  (Binnaig)
Vice President
Mr G Steele  (Stonielea)
Hon. Secretary
Mrs Lesley Park ( Kinchyle )
Tel : 07714 419357
Hon. Field Trial Secretary
Miss Nicole Paterson 
Tel : 07718 312409
Hon. Treasurer
Dr C Greasley - Adams  (Glenallan)
Membership Secretary
Mr M Berry
Miss N Paterson
Mr A Greasley - Adams  (Glenallan)
Mr J Grant
Mr M Berry
Mrs C Thomson  (Strathhunker)
Mrs K Burns  (Bonnieburns)
Mrs Z Gajda-Meissner  (Saorsa)
Ms R Thomson  (Strathhunker)
Club Merchandise
Dr C Greasley - Adams  (Glenallan)
Mr A Greasley - Adams  (Glenallan)
Trophy Steward
Mr G Steele  (Stonielea)
Website Admin
Martin Berry
Gerry Steele
Lesley Park
Nicole Paterson
Zuzanna Gajda Meissner
Mrs A Beck
Tel:07809 235969
Facebook admin
Mrs Lesley Park   ( Kinchyle )
Ms C Campbell  (Binnaig)
Miss Nicole Paterson
Yearbook Editors
Dr C Greasley - Adams  (Glenallan)
Mr A Greasley - Adams  (Glenallan)